ISC (Intelligent Stepper Controller)
The ISC board is a complete and intelligent stepper motor controller.
It can operate either in the stand-alone mode or connected with a standard serial interface.
The device communicates by simple mnemonic commands sent by standard RS-232 or
RS-422-485 serial line.
A 2KBytes E2PROM memory contains user programs and operating parameters.
- Low cost, fuly programmable stepper controller board
- PC controlled or stand alone operations
- Interfacciamento tramite standard RS232 standard (ISC-01) o RS422/485 (ISC-02) con velocità compresa tra 300 e 38,400bps
- Alimentazione, non stabilizzata compresa tra 10 e 35Vdc/ac
- Completo linguaggio di programmazione con più di 30 comandi mnemonici con ricerca della posizione zero
- Standard “Eurocard” for 19” rack mounting
- 5 user defined I/O for simple automations without need for an additional PLC
- Multi axis operations over the same serial line
- Optionals:
- mother-board
- control SW
- Absolute or relative positioning commands with 24 bit resolution
(up to 16,777,215 steps for movement)
- Full, half and quarter step mode operations
- Programmable acceleration and deceleration ramp programmable “on the fly”
- Bi-directional ramping between speeds and alterable during movements
- Speed up to 23,000 steps for seconds (more then 6,000 rpm with standard 1.8° stepper motor)
- Programmable holding and slewing currents (with STP170 and STP250 driver boards)
- Full status control through a remote terminal
- Programmable polarity of limit and home inputs
- 2KByte non volatile memory for user programs
- All I/O are optocoupled, polarity programmable and with optional built-in pull-ups allowing a spread voltage range
- Jogging capabilties with a joystick for manual positioning
- Motion output for syncronization and dedicated inuts for emergency stop and auto cycle.
- Programmable trip point output for external syncronization
- Automatic subroutine execution on trip point
- Vector on port operations capabilities